Hello to all of you in blogland. What a wild few months it's been! In spite of all my plans for celebrating and sharing the holiday season here on my blog, it's been more than a month since my last post. Without giving a vivid laundry list of all the things that have kept me away from my space here, I'll sum it all up with "the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray". It's been a topsy turvy, whirly twirly few months, but as 2013 begins and the waters start to calm, I look forward to being present here once again. So a belated Happy New Year to you, and I look forward to seeing what you've all been up to!
I thought I'd post a quick picture that I took a few weeks ago while out wandering. It seemed quite poetic at the time and I couldn't help but compare the racing river with the changes life brings. The swift and unexpected currents that carry us on to new adventures! I begin the New Year with thankfulness and gratitude for my friends and family and look forward to all that awaits us in the coming year. See you soon!