Saturday, 17 November 2012

Yes...I'm one of "those" people.

Ok, I'm going to be right up front and admit it.....I'm one of "those" people that gets so excited about the holidays that they start celebrating way early. You know...the woman who has her Christmas tree up before Thanksgiving and plays Christmas music so often that you wonder how on earth she isn't sick of it by mid December? Yes, that's me! I've come to the conclusion that I have mainly my Mom to thank for that warm and fuzzy feeling that settles firmly in my belly starting early in November, lol. 

Our family was far from perfect and like most families, we had our fair share of dysfunction and mayhem, but when it came to Christmas, my Mom always made it beautiful. We had special Christmas traditions that we looked forward to each year, and whether it was a tight year financially or not, it always seemed a magical and beautiful time for our family. So....with that in mind...I've decided to start a special weekly holiday feature here on my blog throughout the month of December. Each week I'll share some of the special family recipes and fun traditions that have made the holidays so near and dear to my heart. What I'm hoping is that others will join in each week and contribute by sharing and telling us about some of there favorite holiday stories, traditions, and recipes too. So be sure to look for my first holiday feature starting the first week of December and do join in!!

As you can guess, my painting and art projects have been mainly focused on fun holiday themes this week, like the peace on earth mixed media painting above, and this whimsical snowman scene. I plan to relish in as much twinkle light loving, sparkling snow flake wishing, Bing Cosby singing, fudge making fun as I can over the next several weeks! 

Thanks for stopping in to visit, and I hope to see you here again soon!


  1. I am one of those people too!!! Yay for holiday festivities!

  2. I love being around 'those people' during the holidays. Their enthusiasm makes me more excited too! Great pictures too- I love that the snowlady has purple hair!
