Thursday, 9 August 2012

Down The Rabbit Hole

It's a beautiful clear day here in my neck of the woods and a very special day for me as well. It was two years ago today that I dove, not tumbled, down the rabbit hole. Or at least that's how I sometimes think of it, lol. Two years ago today that I followed my heart and left the familiar behind and boarded a plane for a country and life unknown. A true blue American girl headed for England. What a journey it has been!!

Some people thought I was crazy, others thought I was brave, but those who knew me best just smiled and said "It's about time!".  If anyone would have told me five years ago that I would make huge life changes and that in a few short years I would be living in the UK after finding the love of my life, I would have laughed at the absurdity of such a notion! Life is tricky that way isn't it? And aren't we so glad that it is!!!

Some days I most definitely feel like Alice In Wonderland, and still find myself puzzling over the differences between life in America versus life in England. But what a wondrous and thrilling ride! There's nothing like throwing yourself completely out of your comfort zone to bring about amazing growth and transformation, lol. Of course, that kind of growth doesn't come without some growing pains, lol, and every once in a while I feel a wee bit lost. But a deep breath and a good look around remind me how very happy I am that I listened to that little voice inside that said.........go Angela, follow your heart.....go down the rabbit hole and see where it leads!  

And I never fail to feel the enchantment of this beautiful land. The architecture, the history, the lovely higgeldy piggeldy crooked cottages and ancient villages, the castles and could one not be enchanted??

A friend recently asked me if my new hubby and I were planning to stay in England permanently. I had to giggle a little at the question, because one thing I have certainly discovered over the last few years is that nothing is ever certain and you never know where you'll end up!

As part of my fun new experimentation with mixed media (loving it!!) I had to include this great Poe quote because it seems to have such significance to me after the unexpected changes in my life. That's the great thing about art though isn't it? That ability to put our feelings and experiences into something outside our own selves?

Thanks so much for visiting today, now it's time I made a big mug of tea and got started on some of the new jewellery designs rolling around in my head! Have a lovely day :-)



  1. Great post! I thought I was being adventurous in moving cross-country a few years ago and here you have moved across the pond! It sounds like a wonderful decision for you. I'd love to visit England someday. I'm now following you back. Thanks again for the follow!

    1. Thanks! :-)You should definitely visit if you get the chance!

  2. I am pleased you followed your heart and it has led you to happiness :0) Its great to have you here in England I still feel enchanted by the countryside and mythology. Beautiful mixed media piece :0)
    Thank you for popping by my blog, yes music really does help, I often leave the blog on for the music and create. The box/case was an amazing Ebay find. I can not touch it but will make little bits for the apothecary blog party. It was an early 1900's manicure!
    Hugs Trace x
    Hugs Trace x

    1. Hi Trace, thanks for popping over :-) That case truly was an amazing find. It's tougher to find really cool things on ebay these days it seems, and when you do come across something so unique it's like finding treasure, lol. It will definitely be a great addition to the blog party!

  3. Angela--I'm so glad you found me--- and I'm SO happy to meet you. What a blessed and interesting life you've been given!! We love England-- and I'd love to spend more time there. You will just need to share it with us all!!

    Please do watch my blog later this year for updates and a badge in October--- it's going to be a fun blogging event-- and I'm sure you will make lots of new friends!!!

    I wish you the best with your blogging-- it will change your life! I'll be back to visit soon--

    1. Thanks so much Vicki, I really look forward to your event!

  4. I loved my visit to your beautiful blog. I truly admire your adventurous and creative spirit. See you again soon.

  5. Hi Jeanette,

    Thanks so much for your kind words, I really enjoyed my visit to your blog as well and look forward to seeing more of your creations!

  6. Hello
    Thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit.
    I love this post:)
    Good for you for following your hearts path!
    My husband moved here from the uk and one day we hope to move our family back there.

    Have a wonderful week!

  7. Thanks so much for visiting! Since your husband is from the UK, then I'm sure you know first hand about those little differences that can seem so strange, lol.
