Sunday, 5 August 2012

Sunday Dreaming

To say that Sunday is my favorite day of the week would be an understatement. Although Saturday is a fine and enchanting day, it's Sunday that I always look forward to the most. It's a...sleep in, drink delicious tea all day, wear my comfiest clothes, only do what I want, create create create kind of day!

I love this pretty tea set I saw online, and scones are a perfect Sunday morning treat, but I must admit.....I drink my tea in a big sturdy handmade earthenware  mug.  The kind that you can wrap both hands around comfortably and enjoy the warmth, one with lots of room for a nice big serving of delicious brew!

Now that I have this lovely Sunday stretched out before me, I've decided to play with some mixed media art. I'm fairly new to mixed media and drawing, but wow.........I am loving it!!! I can't wait to play with some Halloween ideas that are rolling around in my head, and who knows where my creative muse will take me today! Before I go fill up my mug with more tea and grab another scone, I thought I'd share the little project I finished last night. It's just a small little collage where I experimented with torn paper and watercolors, but it was so much fun to make and something I think I'll be doing a lot more of :-) The sentiment has special meaning for me since it took me so many years to realize that being me was not just ok, but super-dee-duper awesome! Such a shame it took me 40 years to figure that one out! :-)

Thanks so much for visiting, and I hope you have a lovely Sunday filled with the things you like to do most :-)



  1. Hi Angela - love your blog!! Thanks for following mine. Your art and jewelry are just gorgeous!

    I love Sundays for the same reasons you do. Big mugs are the norm for tea and coffee, but the other day I took my afternoon tea in a dainty cup, and just felt so super-girly. ;)

    Enjoy your day!

  2. Thanks for visiting and for the kind words Barbara! Sometimes it is fun to use the pretty dainty cup isn't it? :-)

  3. I think your painting is beautiful I love the sentiment! Looking forward to seeing more of your creations.

  4. Love your inspiring art and wise words. Never too late indeed.
    Stopping by to get a little acquainted with some of the guests of Le Mysterieux Carnival. :)
    Much love,

  5. I'll be right over for Tea and Scones! *Winks* Thanks for coming by for a Visit and sharing the great Story of what your Son made for you... that is Truly Priceless!!! I've just finished a Post on Art Unraveled, so much Fun, so glad I went... I'm definitely Inspired now to get out of this Creative Slump and start making Beautiful Art! I Love Sundays too... this Sunday the Grand-Daughter and I went to get our hair Braided Up since she starts 1st Grade Today... she insisted Gramma get Braided Up too, so that we'd be "Twins"! *LOL* Kids are so darn Cute!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  6. Sunday is sometimes my only day of work in a week, and it flies by way too quickly! I love "It's never too late to be yourself" :)
